7 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

health insurance

7 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

With the holiday season upon us, it is essential that you take good care of yourself! Here are a few tips and tricks to keep you happy and healthy this holiday season.

Make time to move

This season is one where we tend to let a lot of things slide. Exercise is one of those things. Make sure that you are setting aside time to move regularly. Just walking 30 minutes 3 times a week can have a significant impact on your health!

Plan out your meals

Tis the season for holiday parties and at these parties are lots of food. And where getting to indulge every once in a while is not a bad thing, satisfying yourself fully on every meal can be hurtful. That’s why we suggest planning out your meals, so you know that you will have a super healthy and lite lunch before you go to the party where grandma brings your all-time favorite dessert.

Wash your hands

Viruses, colds and the flu run rampant these times of the year. So make sure that you are doing everything you can to keep from getting sick. Wash your hands regularly and keep your hands away from your face. You should also be taking vitamins every day.

Get some rest

One of the best ways to ensure that you stay healthy during the holiday season is to get enough sleep. That means 7 or 8 hours every night. Plan out your days, so you know what time you need to be up the next morning and then work, so you know exactly when you need to be crawling into bed.

Me time

Where physical health has vital important, mental health during the holiday season is also extremely critical. Take a few minutes each day for yourself. If you want to sit quietly, meditate or even read a book. A few minutes each day where you actively take care of your mental health will help in times when stresses of the season can try to overwhelm you.

Safety First (don’t drink and drive)

Make sure you are practicing proper safety by not drinking and driving and please always buckle up when you are in a car. These simple rules will help keep you safer on the roads.

Utilize your health insurance

If you start to feel sick, please do not go about work or school as usual. Stay home and rest! Also, you will want to see your doctor sooner rather than later. The quicker that you are can receive treatment, the sooner that you can start feeling better.  Also, please get the flu shot. This one vaccine can help save you from being sick for weeks at a time.

If you need help getting health insurance during this holiday season, please call us. We can help get you signed up while open enrollment is here!

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