Bernardini & Donovan Insurance Services

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What are Subsidies for Individual Health Insurance Policies?

The upcoming change that requires all individuals to have an individual health insurance policy is making many concerned about what it means for them. The biggest concern that people are expressing is one of being able to afford a policy as health insurance isn’t cheap. Fortunately, the legislation foresaw the fact that cost would be an issue for the uninsured and took steps to alleviate the cost in the form of individual subsidies. There are two requirements needed in order to qualify for individual subsidies. One is to obtain an individual health insurance premium through an exchange and the other is to have income less than 400 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL). As an example, the FPL for a family of four in 2011 was $89,000. Individuals whose employers policy is too expensive or has inadequate coverage can also qualify for individual subsidies. The ACA has two kinds

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Premium Assistance Subsidies

Individuals may be concerned about the new Affordable Care Act, as it will require those without employer-paid insurance benefits to get their own health insurance. However, the government is aware that not everyone can afford to pay for their own insurance policies. As a consequence, there will be federal subsidies for those that make under a certain amount. These subsidies will be available through a health care exchange and will be available to those that have income of less than four times the level of federal poverty. The methods by which the amount of the subsidy, as well as the premium limits associated with it, will be calculated are a little complex, but a health care exchange will be able to help interested individuals learn more. In general, however, the Affordable Care Act seeks to provide health insurance with as little financial damage to the insurance consumer as possible, and

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What Makes You Eligible for Individual Subsidies for Health Insurance

In 2014, all Americans are required to have health insurance or pay a fine. This fact has many worried about being able to afford individual health insurance because they can’t afford an individual health insurance policy as they currently exist. The good news is, the Affordable Care Act took a proactive stance and included a provision that created individual subsidies to help offset the cost of coverage. In order to be considered eligible for the subsidies, there are two tests that have to be passed. One way to gain individual subsidies is to purchase insurance through an exchange and have income that is less than 400 percent of the federal poverty level. In 2011, the FPL amount for a family of four was $89,000 in gross income. The other option is when employer-offered health insurance is more than 9.5 percent of the total household income. A policy that costs this

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Subsidies Cut Price of Health Insurance

Subsidies will be reducing the overall price that many lower income Americans need to pay in regards to their newly mandatory health insurance policies. While health insurance policies are set to become more affordable as of January 1, 2014, many individuals still feel as though the monthly cost could potentially be out of reach. As a consequence, many individuals may wish to pursue the subsidies available to them. When the Affordable Care Act is implemented, all individuals will be required to carry health insurance. This includes those that do not have employer-provided health insurance. Today, the costs of individual health insurance can be quite high, but in the future it is expected that insurance policies will become more affordable. Those that have an income of less than four times the poverty level will be able to qualify for health insurance subsidies from the federal government so that they can afford

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How do exchanges improve health plan quality and value?

One component to the Affordable Care Act being instituted as of January 1, 2014 is the addition of healthcare exchanges. Healthcare exchanges will be required throughout the United States and will create a marketplace through which individuals and small business owners can find affordable health care plans. How Will Healthcare Exchanges Work? While the details haven’t all been set in stone, a healthcare exchange will provide access to multiple types of insurance products. Individuals will be able to contact a healthcare exchange so they can compare different types of insurance policy to find the best one for them. There will be separate exchanges for individuals seeking insurance and small companies seeking insurance. How Do Exchanges Improve My Health Plan? A healthcare exchange requires that insurance companies compete against each other for their clients. This means that insurance companies will be forced to lower their costs and increase the benefits of

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What are an Exchange’s responsibilities?

With individual health insurance becoming a mandatory requirement in January 2014, it’s time to become aware of what is expected of you as an individual, and the responsibility of the individual exchanges. What are the responsibilities of an exchange? The exchanges carry the burden of making sure health care providers comply with the minimum standards in providing health care. They are the “store” that carries a variety of products that will be offered for consumer selection. The exchanges will make sure all consumers are aware of pricing, quality ratings and performance and will also have the responsibility of making sure enrollees who qualify for subsidies and exemptions get the proper credit. Employers will have the advantage of having the exchanges work with them to make sure they are in compliance. By using an exchange, individuals and businesses should have smoother transitions in enrolling into health plans and complying with the

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