Bernardini & Donovan Insurance Services

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The Power of Giving

The Power of Giving

The Power of Giving One can find many quotes about giving: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of other.” – Mahatma Gandhi   Or maybe you’ve heard this one: “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill   The fact of the matter is that giving changes something inside of us and changes the world around us. But how can this one simple act create that much change?   Scientists have started to study the biological changes in humans through the act of giving. Darwin’s survival of the fittest would initially lead one to believe that as humans we are not intrinsically designed to give or nurture. But that is not the case. Studies have shown that when a person gives their money willingly that the prefrontal cortex of the brain lights

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How To Stay Young Part 2

How To Stay Young – Part 2

How To Stay Young – Part 2  In our previous blog, we discussed some basic ways to help your health and to keep your body working as well as possible. But we just scratched the surface. Below you will find some more helpful tips to keep your body working and youthful. Stop overeating  This piece of advice comes from centenarians – yup, that’s people who are living into their 100’s. One common factor that these centenarians have is that they do not overeat. Overeating was considered wasteful, so many of them eat until they feel 80% full. At that point, they stop. They have developed an excellent system to actually understand their body’s cues of when they are hungry and when they are not. Wine is your friend The key to this piece of advice is moderation! Drinking too much leads to a whole host of problems. But wine has

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How to Stay Young

How To Stay Young

How To Stay Young Our society seems to hate the idea of aging. We see it in the countless hours of ads and commercials spent on selling gray-b-gone hair color, under eye serums and every type of cream to get rid of marks, blemishes or discolorations. This blog is not being written in the hopes of selling you any such miracle treatments. However, We do want to talk about some small habits you can take on to help you feel younger or to help your body age better. Don’t Stress Stress has a way of eating away at you. When you worry and stress there are actual physical changes in your body that can accelerate the aging process. Work out your mind Have you heard the term use it or lose it? That applies here! Even in children, there are studies that show that over the summer break children lose

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Best Tips to Stop Smoking

Best tips to stop smoking

Best Tips To Stop Smoking One of the best things you can do for your health is to quit. Over the years we have all seen the effects that smoking can have on a body. From increase to heart disease to developing of lung cancer, smoking causes severe deterioration to your health. Here are some helpful tips to help you or someone you love to stop smoking: Know why you are quitting.  You cannot quit successfully on a whim. It’s best for you to know why you are making this choice and that will motivate you to start this journey as well as help you when you feel discouraged and think about picking the habit back up. Be prepared Quitting cold turkey is not something to be taken lightly. You want to ensure that you are as prepared as you can be. Cleaning your house is a great place to

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Single Payer Healthcare Cons

Single Payer Healthcare Cons Part 2 If you have not read our previous blog, please see part 1 to read more about the logistics of single payer healthcare. As stated previously, in an ideal world everyone would love to see every person receive the health care that they need at no cost to them. But to play this idea out in the real world, there are some very real concerns that we have. Some of the cons to single payer healthcare are: Contributes to Drug Abuse – Because health care is available to all, it also means that there is more access to prescription drugs which is the fastest growing avenue for substance abuse. There are also many that will abuse the system because they do not see the value. They will go to the doctor any time that they feel a slight itch or discomfort. This wastes doctor’s time

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Single Payer Healthcare Cons

Single Payer Healthcare Cons Part 1 While many people would love to see universal health care become a reality, but there are Single Payer Healthcare Cons. It would mean that thousands of people would receive their health care free of charge, but many issues come up when you start to look seriously at universal and single payer health care. Where it may be easy to talk about healthcare as a human right, it becomes a very different issue when you realize that enabling one person to receive a resource means that another person is obligated to provide the same. Universal healthcare is not a new problem, and it has been debated and discussed for years. Here are a few reasons that this concept has continued to be so hotly debated: Cost – As much as we like to hear the word “free” attached to health care, the cost of health

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